The Miracles of Jesus: Introduction to Miracles


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Apr. 07, 2024

Have You Ever Wondered About the Real Power of Jesus?

Sermon starts at 25:30 min into video. The music is licensed under CCLI Copyright #2723035 and CCLI Streaming Media #22024223 Licenses.

Pastor Dave is embarking on a groundbreaking sermon series that will challenge your perspective and deepen your faith in Jesus' miracles.

For months, Pastor Dave has meticulously researched the historical evidence and profound significance of these awe-inspiring events. This series will not only explore the factuality of Jesus' miracles but also unveil their hidden message: a glimpse into a future free from suffering and a powerful confirmation of Jesus' divinity.

Imagine a world where illness vanishes with a touch, storms obey a command, and even death itself is defeated. This series will show you how these miracles are not just biblical stories, but tangible proof of Jesus' power and his role as the Messiah.

Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the miracles of Jesus and discover their profound impact on our lives.

Here's how you can participate:

  • Join the journey: Access exclusive content and in-depth discussions through RightNow Media using the church invitation.
  • Open your heart and mind: Approach these miracles with a fresh perspective, ready to uncover their deeper meaning.
  • Dive deeper: Explore the provided resources to gain a richer understanding of Jesus' miraculous works.
  • Reflect and share: Consider the role of miracles in your own faith journey and share your insights with our church community.

This series is more than just studying the Bible; it's about experiencing the transformative power of Jesus in your life. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your faith and gain a renewed sense of hope for the future!